Webinar Tourism and Health Safety of Rethinking Sustainable and Resilient Solutions in Today’s Global Tourism diselenggarakan oleh Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi bekerja sama dengan W2POINTS, ITB, Universitas Ma Chung, dan Dinas Pariwisata Banyuwangi, pada 24 November 2021 dengan dukungan Kementerian Pariwisata dan Pariwisata, Ekonomi Kreatif, Kementerian LuarNegeri, dan Pemprov Jatim.
Tourism and Health Safety Webinar of Rethinking Sustainable and Resilient Solutions in Today’s Global Tourism was held by Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi in cooperation with W2POINTS, ITB, Ma Chung University, and Banyuwangi Tourism Bureau, on November 24, 2021 with the support of Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and East Java Government.
Masalah pandemi corona virus disease (covid-19) yang belum terselesaikan menyebabkan timbulnya berbagai masalah lain, contohnya permasalahan pariwisata dengan minimnya kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara. Guna menghindari berbagai permasalahan tersebut, Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi yang bekerjasama dengan #W2POINTS menggelar Webinar TOURISM AND HEALTH SAFETY VIRTUAL CONFERENCE dengan tema “Rethinking Sustainable and Resilient Solutions in today’s Global Tourism”. Webinar Internasional bertajuk pariwisata dan digelar secara daring ini berlangsung pada Rabu (23/11/2021) dengan mengundang pemateri dari Kemenparekraf yang diwakili oleh Frans Teguh, Kemenlu, Pemprov Jawa Timur dalam hal ini dihadiri oleh Wakil Gubernur, Emil Elistianto Dardak, Dewanti Rumpoko sebagai Walikota Batu, H. Sutiadji sebagai Walikota Malang, Ipuk Fiestiandani sebagai Bupati Banyuwangi, Muh Fuad Al Haris sebagai Plt Direktur Poliwangi, JATIM PARK Group, Biofarma hingga dari beberapa Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia meliputi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Institut Teknologi Bandung, STIKES Awal Bros dan Ma Chung University hingga pemateri Internasional meliputi Menteri Pariwisata dan Budaya Mozambik, Komisioner Pariwisata dan Budaya Enugu hingga pemateri dari perguruan tinggi yang diantaranya adalah Thailand, Filipina, Malaysia hingga China serta diikuti oleh peserta dari berbagai kalangan di seluruh Indonesia.
The unresolved problem of the coronavirus disease (covid-19) pandemic has caused various other problems, for example, tourism problems with the lack of foreign tourist visits. To avoid these problems, Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi in collaboration with #W2POINTS held a Webinar TOURISM AND HEALTH SAFETY VIRTUAL CONFERENCE with the theme “Rethinking Sustainable and Resilient Solutions in today’s Global Tourism”. This international webinar entitled tourism and held online took place on Wednesday (11/23/2021) inviting speakers from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy represented by Frans Teguh, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, East Java Provincial Government in this case attended by Vice Governor, Emil Elistianto Dardak, Dewanti Rumpoko as Mayor of Batu, H. Sutiadji as Mayor of Malang, Ipuk Fiestiandani as Regent of Banyuwangi, Muh Fuad Al Haris as Plt. Director of Poliwangi, JATIM PARK Group, Biofarma to several universities in Indonesia including Gadjah Mada University, Bandung Institute of Technology, STIKES Awal bros and Ma Chung University to international speakers including the Minister of Tourism and Culture of Mozambique, Commissioner of Tourism and Culture Enugu to speakers from universities from Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia to China and attended by participants from various circles throughout Indonesia.
“Peran pariwisata sangat lengkap dalam kehidupan masyarakat karena saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain mulai dari tempat destinasi, hotel, restaurant, serta masyarakat sekitar destinasi setelah terkena pandemi covid-19” Ungkap Frans dalam penyampaian materinya. Ia menjelaskan banyak masyarakat sekitar daerah pariwisata mengalami krisis ekonomi “Hal ini mengakibatkan tidak adanya aktivitas masyarakat semakin mengetat dan menyebabkan kegiatan ekonomi dapat menurun drastis,” Tutupnya.
“The role of tourism is very complete in people’s lives because they influence each other starting from destinations, hotels, restaurants, and the community around the destination after being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Frans in his presentation. He explained that many communities around tourism areas were experiencing an economic crisis. “This has resulted in the absence of community activities getting tighter and causing economic activities to decline drastically,” he concluded.
Lebih lanjut Frans menyampaikan materinya mengenai Sustaining tourism Post Pandemic Covid-19, Dampak dari covid-19 kita semakin sadar ke depan bukan hanya pariwisata berbasis mass tetapi berbasis kualitas keamanan kenyamanan wisatawan semakin diperhatikan. “Kita dapat memperbaiki fasilitas destinasi wisatawan kita dengan menerapkan CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, dan Environment Sustainability” ungkapnya. Frans melanjutkan, Pariwisata berkelanjutan menjadi sebuah keharusan di masa sekarang karena wisatawan sangat menikmati destinasi alam yang indah tapi juga aman dalam berwisata pemerintah Indonesia memiliki program Indonesia care yaitu kita saling peduli untuk saling menjaga satu sama lain terangnya. Furthermore, Frans conveyed his material regarding Sustaining tourism Post Pandemic Covid-19. The impact of covid-19 is that we are increasingly aware that in the future, not only mass-based tourism but based on the quality of security, comfort and convenience of tourists will be increasingly considered. “We can improve the facilities of our tourist destinations by implementing CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment Sustainability,” he said. Frans continued, Sustainable tourism is a must nowadays because tourists really enjoy beautiful natural destinations but are also safe when traveling by the Indonesian government. have an Indonesia care program, namely we care for each other to take care of each other, he explained.

Sejalan dengan Frans, Fuad Al Haris S.T., M.T Plt Director of Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi menyampaikan, Peran dunia pendidikan dalam menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang handal dan kompeten dalam dunia pariwisata sehingga mampu menciptakan inovasi. “Saya berharap acara ini dapat memberikan wawasan dan kontribusi terutama untuk proyek inovasi pariwisata POLIWANGI,” paparnya.
In line with Frans, Fuad Al Haris S.T., M.T Plt Director of Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi said, “The role of the world of education is in creating reliable and competent human resources in the world of tourism so that they are able to create innovation. “I hope this event can provide insight and contribution, especially for the POLIWANGI tourism innovation project,” he explained.

Wakil Gubernur Jawa Timur, Dr. H. Emil Elestianto Dardak menyampaikan materi dengan judul “Rethinking Sustainable and Resilient Solutions in today’s Global Tourism”. Beliau menyampaikan bahwa pariwisata adalah sektor yang sangat terdampak oleh pandemic Covid 19. Selama tahun 2020, terjadi penurunan dari kunjungan wisatawan dari mancanegara sebesar 94,85 % dan penurunan wisatawan sebesar 72,75%. Kunjungan wisatawan yang berkunjung melalui Bandara Juanda juga menurun hampir 100% (99,69 %), dimana memberikan dampak terhadap penurunan GRDP di sektor pariwisata selama tahun 2020 (penurunan sebanyak 10,83%).
Vice Governor of East Java, Dr. H. Emil Elestianto Dardak give speech with title “Rethinking Sustainable and Resilient Solutions in today’s Global Tourism”. He mentions about that tourism is the sector most affected by the pandemic. Throughout 2020 there was a decrease in foreign tourists visiting by 94.85% and a decrease in foreign tourists by 72.75%. Tourist visits through Juanda airport also decreased by almost 100% (99.69%) which ultimately had implications for the decline in the contribution of the GRDP of the Tourism Sector in 2020 (a decrease of 10.83%).

Hj. Ipuk Fiestiandani S.Pd sebagai Bupati Banyuwangi menjelaskan, Banyuwangi memiliki potensi alam yang sangat luar biasa dengan konsep wisata ecotourism, hal ini menjadikan Banyuwangi salah satu rekomendasi wisata alam yang sudah menerapkan CHSE sehingga wisatawan tidak perlu khawatir jika berkunjung ke Banyuwangi.
Hj. Ipuk Fiestiandani S.Pd as the Regent of Banyuwangi explained that Banyuwangi has extraordinary natural potential with the concept of ecotourism tourism, this makes Banyuwangi one of the recommendations for nature tourism that has implemented CHSE so that tourists do not need to worry when visiting Banyuwangi.

Assoc. Prof. Lu Li dari Guizhou University memaparkan, China memiliki potensi destinasi dalam warisan budaya dan kota kuno di pegunungan hal ini membuat pengembangan pariwisata berkelanjutan didukung pemerintah. Masyarakat China mendukung program Vaksin sehingga pemulihan perekonomian bisa lebih cepat dari negara lain. Narasumber berikutnya adalah Mrs. Wang Ping dari China Chamber of Tourism.
Assoc. Prof. Lu Li from Guizhou University explained, China has potential destinations in cultural heritage and ancient cities in the mountains, this makes sustainable tourism development supported by the government. The Chinese people support the Vaccine program so that the economic recovery can be faster than other countries. Next presenter is Mrs. Wang Ping from China Chamber of Tourism.
Dr. Isaac Abekah-Koomson sebagai perwakilan dari W2POINTS menyampaikan materi yang berjudul “Tourism’s impact on the global economy : the sub-saharan Africa effect.” Dr. Isaac Abekah-Koomson menyampaikan pada tahun 2020, 62 juta pekerjaan hilang, menunjukkan penurunan 18,5%, menyisakan hanya 272 juta pekerjaan di seluruh sektor ini secara global, dibandingkan dengan 334 juta pada tahun 2019. Ancaman kehilangan pekerjaan tetap ada karena banyak pekerjaan saat ini didukung oleh skema retensi pemerintah dan jam berkurang, yang tanpa pemulihan penuh Perjalanan & Pariwisata bisa hilang.Pengeluaran pengunjung domestik turun 45%, sementara pengeluaran pengunjung internasional turun 69,4% yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya.
Dr. Isaac Abekah-Koomson, a representative from W2POINTS delivered a material entitled “Tourism’s impact on the global economy: the sub-Saharan Africa effect.” He shared that In 2020, 62 million jobs were lost, representing a drop of 18.5%, leaving just 272 million employed across the sector globally, compared to 334 million in 2019. The threat of job losses persists as many jobs are currently supported by government retention schemes and reduced hours, which without a full recovery of Travel & Tourism could be lost. Domestic visitor spending decreased by 45%, while international visitor spending declined by an unprecedented 69.4%.
Webinar Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi didukung oleh beberapa pihak antara lain W2POINTS, ITB, Universitas Ma Chung, dan Dinas Pariwisata Banyuwangi, Kementerian Pariwisata dan Pariwisata, Ekonomi Kreatif, Kementerian Luar Negeri, dan Pemprov Jatim.
Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi webinar was supported by several parties including W2POINTS, ITB, Ma Chung University, and the Banyuwangi Tourism Office, Ministry of Tourism and Tourism, Creative Economy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the East Java Provincial Government
Narasumber berikutnya adalah His Exelency, Hon. Ibe Reginald Ugonna sebagai Honorable COMMISSIONER for Culture and Tourism, Enugu State, beliau menyampaikan berbagai informasi mengenai budaya dan pariwisata di Afrika.
The next keynote speaker is His Exelency, Hon. Ibe Reginald Ugonna as Honorable COMMISSIONER for Culture and Tourism, Enugu State, he mention various information about culture and tourism in Africa.
Narasumber berikutnya adalah His Exelency, Hon. Ibe Reginald Ugonna sebagai Honorable COMMISSIONER for Culture and Tourism, Enugu State, beliau menyampaikan berbagai informasi mengenai budaya dan pariwisata di Afrika.
The next keynote speaker is His Exelency, Hon. Ibe Reginald Ugonna as Honorable COMMISSIONER for Culture and Tourism, Enugu State, he mentions various information about culture and tourism in Africa.Mama Africa has been bleeding. Yes, it has been bleeding for far too long. Over half of its cultural legacies are outside the continent. The colonial siege on its cultural artifacts that took place centuries ago barred its historical womb and left an empty space. “Cultural,” they say, defines tradition, and tradition defines one’s identity. Losing them implies losing one’s identity. Some of the lost artifacts convey the soul of the traditional people and the empire from which they originated.
The African people’s cultural patrimonies are on exhibit in foreign museums, while the local people’s pure traditions, artifacts, and history are endangered (lack of proof within their own regional traditional space), with the hope that they will be returned one day. A frantic call to return the cultural artifacts (by African leaders) has been well received by some European governments, and some are adamant. A mutual action to repatriate the stolen cultural artifacts would undoubtedly help restore the lost soul of the African people and traditions.
The recent recovery of certain cultural objects (in figure 2) caused tremendous excitement to the locals, andhope that all of them would be returned in the future to rebuild their lost cultural legacy. Poliwangi-W2POINTS joins the solidarity call for African lost artifacts to be returned and the restoration of African heritage and civilization. We are joining our voices with African cultural leaders in demanding the repatriation of all the looted artifacts in different museums globally back to their roots or origins in Africa.