Bulusan - Inovasi terbaru untuk mengurangi dampak sampah bagi lingkungan rupanya membuat sebagian mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi menggali ide menarik untuk memanfaatkan sampah menjadi produk kreatif. Dalam rangka mengamalkan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, yaitu Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi menyelenggarakan Desa Binaan Tahun 2018 tingkat internal. Pada saat seleksi, tim Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika bersama Himpunan Mahasiswa Pariwisata Poliwangi berhasil lolos dengan judul “OMPIMPAH _Optimalisasi Pengolahan Sampah menjadi Paving di TPA Bulusan_”.
This team consisted of Alfin Hidayat, ST, MT, as a companion lecturer and consisted of Afif Syarifuddin Maulana, Dimas Gusti Maulana, Khusnul Khotimah, Ana Putri Utami, Yusuf Nur Fauzi, Biyanti Milasari, Moh. Maskur Hadi, M. Faisol Amin, Nur Alvi Nazimah, and Nina Dyah Ayu Ningrum. Collaborating with the Banyuwangi Regency Environmental Service _DLH_ in carrying out this Assisted Village program in order to minimize the remaining plastic waste in the Bulusan TPA.
Through this program, the HMTI and HIMA-PAR teams want to use the remaining waste, especially plastic waste that is still lying in the landfill, into paving products. Prior to that, the team conducted socialization and discussions with several residents of Kampung Anyar Hamlet, Bulusan Village, to introduce themselves first and then convey the team's goals. After the discussion ended, the team distributed questionnaires to residents regarding the use of waste at the Bulusan TPA. The training was carried out after outreach to residents. For more details, residents are invited to see firsthand the process of processing paving from waste, starting from making emergency stoves containing fuel from sawdust, adding oil as a medium for melting plastic waste. Then in the second process, the husk ash is put into the plastic melt. The third process is the plastic dough that has been printed and then put into a tub filled with water. This training was attended by the Head of Study Program Moh. Dimyati Ayatulloh, ST, MT from Informatics Engineering, Monitoring Evaluation Team Zulis Erwanto, ST, MT, DLH, and the Delegation Team.
The output generated from this training is paving made from plastic waste whose quality is no less good than conventional paving. Durability and feasibility tests will also be carried out to determine the quality of the paving and to be able to compete in the market with paving in general. It is planned that this program will be developed so that it can be marketed into Small and Medium Enterprises in Bulusan Village.
A positive response was also shown by the Evaluation Monitoring Team, Zulis Erwanto, ST, MT, who saw firsthand the process of making paving and gave appreciation and evaluation for the progress of this program. In closing, the Evaluation Monitoring Team requested that this product be exhibited at campus activities and events Banyuwangi.